Sunday, August 24, 2014

10 Steps for Protecting Kidney Health

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Recent studies indicate that 26 million American adults suffer from chronic kidney disease (CKD) and that the number is likely to rise unless Americans get serious about prevention. Primary risks include: diabetes; heart disease; high blood pressure; a family history of kidney failure; and age 60-plus. Secondary risks include: obesity; autoimmune diseases; urinary tract infections and systemic infections.
Exercising regularly and controlling weight are just two of the ten ways keep your kidneys healthy.

10 Ways to Keep Kidneys Healthy:
  •     Exercise regularly
  •     Don't overuse over-the-counter painkillers or NSAIDs
  •     Control weight
  •     Get an annual physical
  •     Follow a healthful diet
  •     Know your family's medical history
  •     Monitor blood pressure & cholesterol
  •     Learn about kidney disease
  •     Don't smoke or abuse alcohol
  •     Talk to your doctor about getting tested if you're at risk for CKD