Saturday, August 23, 2014

99-Year-Old Lady Sews A Dress A Day For Children In Need

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Lillian Weber, a 99-year-old good Samaritan from Iowa, has spent the last few years sewing a dress a day for the Little Dresses For Africa charity, a Christian organization that distributes dresses to children in need in Africa and elsewhere.

Weber’s goal is to make 1,000 dresses by the time she turns 100 on May 6th. So far, she’s made more than 840. Though she says she could make two a day, she only makes one – but each single dress she makes per day is personalized with careful stitchwork. She hopes that each little girl who receives her dress can take pride in her new garment.

They’re made of patterned cloth, but Weber always adds a special touch.

She’s made more than 840, and aims to make 1,000 by her 100th birthday.

These children are showing off their new dresses from the Little Dresses For Africa charity.