Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Baked Potato

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  • One large russet potato 
  • 1 tablespoon butter 
  • 1 tablepoon sour cream (optional) 
  • 1 teaspoon salt 
  • 1/4 teaspoon black pepper (optional) 
  • Grated mozzarella cheese 

For toppings (any combination of the following): 
  • Heinz canned beans 
  • Black olives - processed meat e.g. sausage 
  • Pickles 
  • Coleslaw or russian salad 
  • Mushrooms 

  • Clean the potato thoroughly and cut an x with sharp knife on each side of the potato. 
  • Bake each side on the microwave on high for 5 minutes at least or till soft inside (check using your knife). 
  • Mash up the inside of the potato adding salt, pepper, sour cream, butter and mozzarella cheese. 
  • Add toppings of your choice and more mozzarella cheese on top. 
  • Heat it in the microwave until the cheese has melted (about 1 minute).