Saturday, August 23, 2014

Chinese woman who went missing from home is reunited with her family after 37 YEARS

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A daughter who went missing from her parents 37 years ago after catching the wrong train has had an astonishing reunion with her mother.

Jiang Ai-wu – now 43 – was just six when she got lost in her home town in Hunan province, south-central China, and tried to make her way home by train from the local station.

Her story echoes that of Australian Saroo Brierley, who was only reunited with his birth mother 25 years after he got lost on India’s sprawling rail network aged four.

‘I had no idea where I was going and one wrong train led to another, and another and another. The harder I tried to get home, the further away I seemed to go,’ said Ai-wu at the tearful reunion.

The frightened child ended up 450 miles away in Xuzhou, a city in Jiangsu province in eastern China, where she was taken into care by the authorities.

Site: Dailymail