Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Stamped Clay Tags

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Helloooo everyone!  I hope you’re well.  :)

Today I’m doing a sort of continuation of yesterday.  I’m going to show you how to create the stamped tags I showed on the candles.  :)

Here we go!

 What better way to make a gift even more special then by adding a unique gift tag.  I love giving a gift with little extras that I’ve made.  Seeing the look on the person’s face that receives the gift is always so gratifying.  Because honestly, who doesn’t love handmade?  :)

1. Cut some clay from your slab/square.  Lay the big popsicle sticks out so you have something for the rolling pin to rest on.  This is also used so you can be sure not to roll your clay out too thin.

2.  Roll out your clay to desired thickness.  I just eyeballed mine and when it looked like a good thickness, I stopped rolling.

3.  Grab your metal stamps.

4.  Stamp your desired message into your clay.

5.  Instead of stamping the word LOVE, I decided to get creative by using a tiny heart shaped cookie cutter.  You can get these cookie cutters at Michael’s in their baking section.

6.  Once your entire message is stamped in the clay, choose which shape you’d like your tag to be and cut it with your cookie cutter.

7.  Now grab your needle tool and decide where you want your hole.

8.  Once you’ve decided where you want the hole to be, push the needle tool into the clay.

9.  Gently and Very carefully pick up your clay square and twist your needle took all the way through the clay until your hole is as big as you want it to be.

10.  Now place your clay onto a cookie sheet and bake it in the oven at the temperature and amount of time the packaging of your clay says to.

11.  Again as I said yesterday, I used Martha Stewart Acrylic Paint along with Martha Stewart High Gloss top coat.  That’s how some of these have a super shine to them.  Some of the clay I used another high gloss product, but I’ll share that with you all tomorrow… :)  Anyway.  I watered down the paint a little because I didn’t want a solid normal coat of paint on the tags… I wanted them to appear like they’d been fired in a kiln.  Not sure it looks totally like that, but it’s close enough and I was pleased with the results.  Don’t water down your paint too much, just add about 10 drops of water to your dollop of paint.

12.  Now paint your tag until you’ve achieved the desired look you were going for.

You’re done!

Take a look below.  I’ve made several items with clay to give you some ideas of what you could do.

In the first picture, the 2 circle tags have my girl’s finger print in them and then I stamped their first initial.

In the third picture I just added the high gloss directly to the clay.  I really really like how this one looks.

In the second picture you can see the finished tag I was working on above.  There are other things in this photo too… but those are tomorrow’s tutorial.  ;)

In the last picture I stamped a simple “I love you” and put my thumb print in it.