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There have been 3D-printed buildings, dresses, hats, jewellery and even parts of the anatomy.
And now the world has been introduced to Strati, a 3D-printed car which was created using direct digital manufacturing techniques.
The car is composed of 40 parts - a significantly smaller number than that of a conventional vehicle which has more than 20,000 components.
The Strati is made of only 40 parts, unlike conventional vehicles which have more than 20,000 components
شركة لوكال موترز تعلن براءة اختراع أول سيارة مصنوعة بطابعة ثلاثية الأبعاد
تعتبر سيارة ستاري أول سيارة مطبوعة بطابعة ثلاثية الأبعاد وتتكون فقط من 40 جزء بخلاف أجزاء السيارة التقليدية التي تتكون من 20 ألف جزء
Conceived of by the Arizona-based Local Motors, the printing and assembly process took 44 hours to complete and took place during the six-day International Manufacturing Technology Show 2014 in Chicago.
Made of one solid piece, the Strati will have a top speed of 40mph and a battery range of between 120 to 150 miles.
The chassis and the body of the car are printed using a giant 3D printer but the tires, seats, wheels, battery, wiring, suspension, electric motor and window shield were made using conventional methods.
وتم صناعة السيارة وتجميعها في 44 ساعة عمل لتظهر إلى النور، وتم عرضها في معرض الصناعات التكنولوجية الدولية 2014 في شيكاغو، وتحتوي السيارة على قطع صلبة وسرعتها القصوى تزيد عن 40 ميلاً في الساعة، ومزودة ببطارية مناسبة تجعلها قادرة للسير لمسافة تصل إلى 150 ميلا
The battery-powered, two-passenger car is made of layers of black plastic and reinforced with carbon fiber.
Local Motors CEO John Rogers told the Wall Street Journal: 'We are the first company to make a 3D-printed car using carbon fiber reinforced thermoplastic.
'The seats, body, chassis, dash, center console and hood will all be 3D printed.'
ويبلغ سعر السيارة ما بين 18.000 دولار إلى 30.000 دولار على حسب مواصفتها، وتم تصنيع السيارة بالكامل باستخدام طابعة ثلاثية الأبعاد ضخمة ولكن العجلات والمقاعد والأسلاك والمحرك فتم تصنيعها على الطريقة التقليدية
The company hopes to offer 3D-printed cars for between £11,000 to £18,000 ($18,000 to $30,000) each, depending on the types of optional features buyers will want.
A machine tool maker, Cincinnati Inc, supplied the huge printer, much larger than the usual 3D printers, which are usually 10ins by 10ins.
This particular printer is able to process parts as large as 3ft by 5ft by 10ft.
كما وسبق وأن أنتجت الشركة درجات نارية، وألواح تزلج والعديد من المركبات بنفس التقنية منذ عام 2007، وتسعى الشركة أن تصنع العديد من المركبات بسعر منافس وغير مكلف حتى يكون لها مكان في السوق ويزيد الطلب عليها
Local Motors has been producing motorcycles, motorised skateboards and other vehicles since 2007, using the same method.
Mr Rogers hopes that this less expensive manufacturing process will bring innovations to the market more swiftly than the usual methods of production.
On their website, Local Motors says that it is planning to launch 'production-level 3D printed vehicles that will be available to the general public for purchase in the months following the show'.
Site: Dailymail