Saturday, September 27, 2014

The Mystical World Of Mushrooms Captured In Photos

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Most people consider mushrooms to be the small, ugly cousins of the plant kingdom, but theirs is a surprisingly beautiful and wonderful world waiting to be explored. These beautiful mushrooms, captured by enthusiastic nature photographers, are a far cry from the ones you find in the woods or your local grocery store.

عالم الفطر الرائع
ربما ينظر الكثير منا إلى الفطر على انه نبته عادية تخرج من الأرض! لكنه في الحقيقة كما يظهر في الصور التالية يبدو أكثر جمالاً وغرابة مما نتوقع حيث سنأخذكم في كوكتسايت بجولة لأنواع وأشكال جديدة ربما لم تروها قبل اليوم وبالطبع هذه الأنواع نادرة وتنبت في مناطق معينة وفي ظروف خاصة

Most mushrooms, as we know them, are actually just the reproductive structure of the fungus they belong to – their fungal networks expand far further underground, and some fungi don't even sprout the sort of mushrooms that we're used to seeing. In fact, depending on your definition of “organism,” the largest living organism in the world is a fungus – there's a honey mushroom colony in Oregon that occupies about 2,000 acres of land!

#1 Puffballs

#2 Marasmius Haematocephalus

#3 Mycena Chlorophos

#4 Rhodotus Palmatus

#5 Amethyst Deceiver

#6 Phallus Indusiatus

#7 Panus Fasciatus

#8 Schizophyllum Commune

#9 Clathrus Ruber

#10 Porcelain Fungus

#11 Cup Fungus

#12 Mushrooms With A Snail

#13 Lepiota

#14 Coprinus Comatus

#15 Favolaschia Calocera

#16 Cyathus Striatus

#17 Hydnellum Peckii

#18 Leratiomyces

#19 Aseroe Rubra

#20 Morchella Esculenta

#21 Geastrum Minimum

#22 Puffball Mushroom

#23 Crepidotus

#24 Chorioactis

#25 Tiny Golden Mushrooms

Site: Bored Panda